
兒童繪畫班 (中午)

廖老師從很小的時候,就很喜歡畫畫,制做手工藝品和創作,並從中得到了無窮的樂趣和啓發。高中畢業後,在卡爾加里大學進修並尋找適合自己的專業.廖老師現在就讀於阿爾伯塔藝術與設計學院 (Alberta College of Art and Design),主修藝術與設計。她希望每一個孩子都會在課堂上享受創作的樂趣, 拓展思維,並對自己的作品感到自豪。

Tiffany Sengsavang
Saturday Art Class / Noon hour Class

From a very young age, Ms. Sengsavang has loved drawing, crafts and creative arts and has gained a lot pleasure and inspiration from them. After high school graduation,  she took various courses at the University of Calgary in searching for her true passion. Ms. Sengsavang now studies at the Alberta College of Art and Design, majoring in Art and Visual Communication Design. She would love to see everyone in her class enjoy creating art and be proud of their creations. 

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