
六月九日晚間歡宴。 Banquet on Jun 9, 2019.   Celebrating the 80th Anniversary.
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3月30日和31日是本校的開放活動日。此次活動,反應熱烈,與眾同樂。School open house on March 30 & 31, 2019, such fun days.
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3月2日和3日,暑假班及新學年開始註冊時間。 March 2, 3—Summer Classes & New School Year Registration. 3月9日和10日,我校會舉行造句/作文比賽。March 9, 10 – Sentence-Making & Composition Contest. 3月23日和24日,春假。March 23, 24—Spring Break (No Classes).  
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卡加利華僑中文學校恭祝大家:豬年大吉!恭喜發財! Calgary Chinese Private School would like to wish you   all a Happy Chinese New Year!Good Health and Happiness always!  
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Calgary Chinese Private School

126 2nd Avenue S.W. Calgary
Alberta Canada T2P 0B9 

[email protected]

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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