一、開設班級 Course List:
普通話班 ( 繁體 / 簡體字) ─ 下午班:1 時 至下午 4時
Saturday ─ Cantonese 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Saturday ─ Mandarin 1: 00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Sunday ─ Mandarin – Simplified 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
※ 學分課程(中四至中六):廣東話15、25、35及普通話10、20、30,修畢課程後共可獲15學分。
Credit courses (Grade10 –Grade12):
Cantonese (15,25,35 ) are entitled to after completion of the course.
Mandarin (10,20,30) are entitled to after completion of the course.
二、開學日期:2023年 9月9日(星期六)
2023年 9月10日(星期日)
School commences: September 9, 2023 (Saturday)
September 10, 2023 (Sunday)
學費: $360(全年)─(星期六)幼低、幼高 (幼高另加$20畢業費)
$350 (全年)─ 一年級至六年級 (六年級另加$40畢業費)
$350 (全年)─ 七年級至十二年級 (九年級、十二年級另加$40畢業費)
※ 若在6月30日前報名,可獲優惠減免學費$20.00。
Tuition fees and payments:
All students need to complete the Registration Forms, and submit along with the tuition fees.
Full payment:
Cheque dated the date of the registration payment: $360 (Lower Kindergarten, ECS, Upper Kindergarten) Upper Kindergarten extra $20 Graduation fee
payment: $350 (Gr1 to Gr 12) Grade 6, Grade 9, Grade 12 extra $40 Graduation fee
For those students who register by June. 30, 2023 will receive a discount of $20.00 on the tuition fee.
2. The tuition fee via e-Transfer to : Calgary Chinese Public School Society Email : [email protected]
四、學生于開學前擬申請退學者,須於9月1 日或以前用書面通知本校辦理。本校將扣除手續費 $60,餘款退還申請人。若在開課日後申請退學,學費一概不予退還或轉讓。
Written withdrawal should be submitted on or before September 1, 2023. Tuition fee will be returned with a deduction of $60 administration fee. No refund and no transfer for withdrawal made after September 1, 2023.
五、 任何調動需在註冊日期內向校務處申請。在開學後的任何要求,校方將酌情處理,並繳收手續費$60。
Any special request on change of placement must be forwarded to the school office A.S.A.P.
Any request made after September 1, 2023 will be reviewed with an administration fee of $60